Affordable Rates Guaranteed Results

Promote your business or service at any dry cleaners locally or nationally on our unique adhangers®



If you are looking to get your company’s logo recognized, or get your message across in your community for the service or business you provide, then adhangers is the affordable media you need!

Local Reach

Only with adhangers, you can “surgically advertise” your audience by zip code(s), therefore your advertisement dollars are strategically spent!

Creative Design

Our creative and dynamic advertising design media team will help develop your ad campaign for the upmost visual impact.

How it works?

adhangers are triangular in shape, approx. 20″ wide by 7-1/2″ high, and can be printed on both sides, up to three (03) colors, and have capabilities to custom design your ad campaign. adhangers is your custom billboard at the Dry Cleaners.This is definitely going to make a greater visual impact on your target audience than any other print media! Branding and branding awareness is very important to any size business or operation. If you are looking to get your company’s logo recognized, or get your message across in your community for the service or business you provide, then adhangers is the affordable media you need. We can incorporate your logo, advertising message, phone number, address, website, coupon and/or QR codes. Only with adhangers, you can “surgically advertise” your audience by zip code(s), therefore your advertisement dollars are strategically spent! adhangers’ marketing platform turns a trip to the dry cleaners into your opportunity to connect with your target audience. Your message will walk into and stay in the homes or offices of hundreds and thousands of dry cleaning customers, having a repetitious effect. We call this “guaranteed exposures”. Our creative and dynamic advertising design media team will help develop your ad campaign for the upmost visual impact. We are dedicated to get you affordable results and focus on your ROI “return on investment.” One response or referral, could very well pay for the entire advertisement campaign. Advertising with adhangers is NOT a cost, it’s an investment!

Request a Proposal

Please complete and return our “proposal request form”. Submit your idea, and we will respond with an innovative solution to meet your advertising requirements.
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Copyright © 2019 adhangersusa, inc. All rights reserved. adhangers is a registered trademark of adhangersusa, inc.